Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Beyonce diet secret and other hollywood stars

The lemon detox diet
There are many different detox diets out there some may be hard to follow and involve drinking some pretty gross mixtures not the Lemon detox diet .this diet consists of freesh water pure lemon juice cayenne pepper and natural maple syrup
The acid in the lemons assists  the cleansing process and the cayenne pepper helps speed up your metabolism promoting circulation and a greater release of toxins from our bodies
This detox diet will help you cleanse  your body lose weight quickly and make you feel better overall
This detox diet was largely promoted by singer Beyonce who was quoted as saying i lived on water cayenne papper and maple syrup for 14 days it was tough everyone was eating and i was dying but in two weeks she reportedly lost 20 pounds

As a culture we eat so much processed and junk food that we add very little nutrition to our bodies therefore our bodies end up working so much harder to get rid of the waste that is generated from such low nutritional value food also we breathe and ingest numerous chemicals and toxins each day which does nothing for the health of our bodies what the lemon detox diet does is allow our bodies to naturally cleanse themselves while we take a break from solid food

Its hard to give up the comfort of food and the caffeine in pop and coffe this diet will present a mental challenge to you as well look at it as a challenge rather than a chore to get you through the rough parts remember you will eat again when hunger pains strike fix yourself another glass of the lemon drink and visualize the rewards you will receive once you complete the detox
The detox drink is quite simple to make take the following
2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon do not use concentrate or a drink mix as these contain preservatives
2 tablespoons of organic or natural maple syrup again no maple flavored syrups for reasons above 1 oth of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper more or less to taste
Mix above ingredients in 8 oz of fresh spring water hot or cold enjoy
Its recommended that you drink at least 6-8 glasses per day during your fast for best results fast for 7-10 days

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